
Kamis, 13 September 2012


Berikut ini saya membuat postingan kembali tentang pengetahuan materi kuliah tentang Cyberpreneurship, mengenai manfaat cyberpreneurship itu sendiri. Melanjutkan postingan saya kemarin mengenai Pengertian dari Cyberpreneurship, Enterpreneurhip, dan Technopreneurship.

Belakangan ini technopreneurship menggunakan peningkatan teknologi komputer, terutama internet, untuk melakukan usaha/bisnis, mempromosikan bisnis atau bisa juga disebut berwirausaha. Bidang tersebut dikenal dengan cyberpreneursip dan bervariasi dari setiap pengusaha. Dalam hal ini para entrepreneur melakukan promosi menggunakan brosur electronic yang dikenal sebagai homepage pada internet. Penjualan produk dan layanan juga menggunakan elektronik mail di internet.

Manfaat dari Cyberpreneurship
itu adalah sbb :

1. Manfaat Cyberpreneurship dapat menimbulkan jiwa wiraswata seseorang.

2. Manfaat Cyberpreneurship menimbulkan hal / jalan pemikiran baru dalam menghasilkan uang.

3. Manfaat Cyberpreneurship memberi efek yang positif di dunia serba modern ini karena sudah banyak    manusia yang memanfaatkan zaman komputerisasi untuk penghasilan mereka.

4. Manfaat Cyberpreneurship menambah wawasan lebih dalam lagi tentang fungsi dari internet khususnya berjualan lewat online.

5. Manfaat Cyberpreneurship dapat dijadikan pekerjaan sampingan yang nantinya bahkan bisa menjadi pekerjaan utam / pokok.

6. Manfaat Cyberpreneurship dari sini kita akan tertarik untuk kedepannya tentang yang hal menyenangkan tentang tekhnologi.

Di atas hanya sedikit Manfaat Cyberpreneurship, dan masih banyak lagi hal-hal yang posifif dari kita belajar Cyberpreneurship

baca juga artikel terkait : SEO (Search Engine Optimizer ) , Pengenalan Cyberpreneurship , benefit Cyberpreneurship , Cyberpreneurship VS Technopreneurship


Saya coba mengulas tentang Cyberpreneurship yang saat ini saya sendiri juga baru mendalami dan belajar mata kuliah Cyberpreneurship dikampus dan saya akan menulis diblog saya ini tentang  hal -  hal yang berhubungan dengan Cyberpreneurship misalnya Blog, Website, Bisnis Online, Transaksi Online dan sebagainya.
Mari sama – sama kita memcoba dan belajar untuk ber Binis Online yang tentunya akan memberi banyak manfaat bagi kita antara lain seperti :
  •  Menambah pengetahuan kita  tentang teknologi IT.
            + Website dan Blog bisa memambah dan memperdalam
                kemampuan pemrograman WEB.
            + Wawasan dunia Internet bertambah seperti SEO, Hacking dsb.
  •  Marketing atau Pemasaran. 
             + Bisa belajar tentang bagaimana teknik marketing dan pemasaran.
  •  Menambah pendapatan.
             + Kalau kita dengan serius menekuninya tentu juga akan
mendatangkan pendapatan tambahan.
Cyberpreneurship adalah suatu kegiatan usaha dan bisnis dengan menggunakan peningkatan teknologi computer terutama internet, dalam hal ini usaha dan bisnis yang dipromosikan menggunakan brosur eletronik yang dikenal dengan homepage pada internet.
Definisi umum tentang  Cyberpreneurship adalah sebagai berikut :
  • Umumnya Dia adalah seorang enterpreneur yang menghasilkan uang dengan cara menjual informasi melalui internet
  •  Profesi ini sudah ada sebelum internet berkembang pesat. Biasanya mereka menjual informasi melalui audio cd, cd rom, video, talk show, conference
  • Dengan adanya internet, mereka bisa menjual informasi melalui internet dam memiliki Cakupan pasar yang lebih luas karena internet bisa diakses dari seluruh dunia
Adapun media yang di gunakan adalah :
  •  Internet
Merupakan salah satu media utama.
  • Website dan blog
Untuk Meyajikan Informasi, memasarkan produk , bertransaksi atau untuk melakukan proses bisnis.
Dalam membuat Website atau Blog yang digunakan sebagai sarana untuk memberikan informasi atau menjual suatu produk, ada sebuah rumus yang harus diperhatikan. Website atau Blog harus terdiri dari : Content – Traffic – Presell – Monetize.
Biasanya Website berisi tentang katalog, online store dan lelang blog. Selain itu juga bertujuan untuk memberikan kemudahan informasi, baik itu menyediakan berita, layanan sms, layanan diskusi, layanan direktori atau hal umum yang di inginkan oleh orang lain, Selain itu Website atau Blog juga mengembangkan ruang iklan dengan skrip yang sudah ada. Dan juga menyediakan ruang untuk layanan iklan baris.
Biasanya terdiri dari layanan “Search Engine”. Kadang juga digunakan untuk memasang iklan atau adword yang tepat dengan menggunakan Google Adword agar bisa mendapatkan pengunjung yang banyak. Agar terlihat lebih menarik biasanya menggunakan banner yang berubah-ubah agar tidak membuat bosan para pengunjung web atau blog.
Bisa juga dipasang affliate program agar dapat menarik minat para pengunjung agar dapat kembali lagi di kemudian hari.
Biasanya Presell dapat berisi tentang saran atau rekomendasi dari suatu produk. Digunakan pada website dengan type Blogs, Reviews, Comparation. Kadang kala dituliskan juga dalam bahasa yang berbeda, misalnya bahasa Inggris.
Berisi layanan untuk beriklan, seperti Adsense, Amazon, Genbucks, Shareasale, dsb.
Menarik bukan bagi yang tertarik kita bisa sama – sama belajar saya pribadi juga mengharap masukannya dari saudara – saudara sekalian.

baca juga artikel terkait : SEO (Search Engine Optimizer ) , benefit Cyberpreneurship , Cyberpreneurship VS Technopreneurship , Manfaat Cyberpreneurship , Interpreneurship, Enterpreneurship, and Cyberpreneurship 

Interpreneurship, Enterpreneurship, Cyberpreneurship

Mungkin banyak sebagian orang yang sering mendengar kata-kata tersebut tapi mungkin hanya sering mendengar saja tanpa mengerti arti dari kata tersebut :D
disini Saya mau sedikit sharing tentang pengertian kata-kata tersebut yaitu :

Entreprenurship berasal dari bahasa prancis yg mempunyai arti  kewirausahaan, yaitu suatu usaha menciptakan organisasi produktif, hal yang di butuhkan adalah keberanian, keutamaan, atau keperkasaan dalam berusaha dengan bersandar pada kekuatan sendiri.
Technopreneurship merupakan proses dan pembentukan usaha baru yang melibatkan teknologi sebagai basisnya, dengan harapan bahwa penciptaan strategi dan inovasi yang tepat kelak bisa menempatkan teknologi sebagai salah satu faktor untuk pengembangan ekonomi nasional.
Cyberpreneurship adalah suatu langkah atau cara untuk mempromosikan suatu barang / jasa melalui tekhnologi internet. dalam hal ini usaha dan bisnis yang dipromosikan menggunakan brosur eletronik yang dikenal dengan homepage pada internet.

baca juga artikel berikut : benefit of cyberpreneurship, SEO (Search Engine Optimization)Cyberpreneurship VS Technopreneurship , Manfaat Cyberpreneurship , Meaning of Cyberpreneurship

semoga bermanfaat

Cyberpreneurship VS Technopreneurship

In the previous article I have been discussing the Meaning of Cyberpreneurship the efforts made through the Internet medium (HTTP) to generate profits.

While Technopreneurship is business - the business to generate profits with the technology - high-level technology to increase profit.

So the relationship between Cyberpreneurship and Technopreneurship is that Cyberpreneurship is part of the specification Technopreneurship with technologies such as the use of the Internet as a medium.

maybe you need also to see this : benefit cyberpreneurship, SEO (Search Engine Optimization)  , Manfaat Cyberpreneurship , Pengenalan Cyberpreneurship

Search Engine Optimization

Translated from the free website Bruce Clay

The goal of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is to increase visitors to the top position of search results using the most appropriate keywords to describe your content of your website. This relative ranking is often viewed as the best business use of some keywords, instead of throw your competition. If you search using the keywords you target, you will see the top sites. All you have to do is be better than a top site. Suggested ways to optimize and improve search engine rankings with advice, SEO tips, information, and guidance to improve your keyword search engine relative to the top site at this time. keyword ranking better is your actual destination.

Is not enough just to add META tags and register your site to index millions of directory and search engine. The first step in achieving a significant number of visitors are looking for sites that appear on the first page of search results from search engines. The first step is to build content-rich site that good. One last step is to register your site to search engine or directory. In the middle - the middle is a vital step if you want to achieve results to appear on the first page. Most sites skip this step because of forgotten or too complex, but without the Search Engine Optimazion be competent you become fodder search engine.

There is no secret in the Search Engine Optimizion - only the method of ranking and placement of the need to follow to beat your competitors in reaching the top ranking for the desired keyword searches. SEO training, service content and links are only a small part. The target is to improve search engine ranking by using a "follow the leader" untk choose keywords and words - words in the page. Once you know what keywords and how search engine marketing services (not spam) to work for the top site, you can overcome even the top sites do better! Search Engine Optimizion organic wish you a good beat your competition, so know the keywords and the criteria used by your competition is the first step is most important. Will be clear that the ranking of both negate the keyword spamming search engines, and this was done with the selection of the heart - the heart of your keywords you memberhasilkan with little effort.

see also this article : Benefit of Cyberpreneurship , Meaning of Cyberpreneurship , Cyberpreneurship VS Technopreneurship , Interpreneurship, Enterpreneurship, And Cyberpreneurship , Manfaat Cyberpreneurship , Pengenalan Cyberpreneurship

Meaning of Cyberpreneurship

in this paper there is no right or wrong, here is limited only to my understanding about cyberpreneurship

In terms of meaning

cyber be defined as the virtual world, or better known as the internet (more specific to the HTTP) along with the device / facilities available in it.

preneurship efforts are made to generate profits.

cyberpreneurship can be said the efforts made through the Internet medium (HTTP) to a profit

A variety of ways ranging from marketing methods, technologies, and delivered a combination of both terms SEO (Search Engine Optimizer), and Adsense Affiliate

advantage as the Internet is the medium 1. there is no longer the distance, the distance is not a problem. 2. efficient, time and effort required a bit more. except when the early-early to do business online.

with a surplus that is the internet as a medium capable of improving the competitiveness of a business.

maybe you will also this article : Benefit of Cyberpreneurship , SEO (Search Engine Optimizer) , Cyberpreneurship VS Technopreneurship , Interpreneurship, Enterpreneurship, And Cyberpreneurship , Manfaat Cyberpreneurship , Pengenalan Cyberpreneurship

Increase Bussiness with analysis SWOT

SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) is usually used by companies large-company business performance in order to stay awake to redouble profit. In fact, this analysis can also be used for small-scale business. Next steps SWOT analysis that has been simplified:

1. Weakness (Weakness)
What are the weaknesses your business? How to overcome the weakness of your business? Do you lack capital? Less experts? Do you continue to experience losses?

2. Strength (Strength)
Analysis of the strength of your business in depth. What benefits of your business? What assets they own? Unikkah offer your business than other competitors?

3. Opportunities (Peluang)
Cermati any opportunity or chance for the success of your business. Is there a market segment that terlewati, the market is not left out by your competitors? How do you consumer behavior patterns? Is there a weak competitor to the consumer you can take over?

4. Threats (Threats)
What are the threats to your business? Increasingly tight competition? Does your business's financial condition is quite sufficient to overcome the obstacles that will appear later on ?

see also about : Benefit of Cyberpreneurship , SEO (Search Engine Optimizer) , Cyberpreneurship VS Technopreneurship , Interpreneurship, Enterpreneurship, And Cyberpreneurship , Manfaat Cyberpreneurship , Pengenalan Cyberpreneurship 

Minggu, 09 September 2012

Practical Use of Open Source Code Software

As we started the project of our web site, we knew that the proprietary software costs would be too high for our financial resources. Our only option then was to make use of Open Source Code softwares.

However, within the Open Source Code there are lots of softwares to choose from, and it´s up to the system analyst/programmer to pick the ones that best suit the project goals.

In our case, we picked Linux as our operating system. However we faced a big question: Which Linux distribution ? There are dozens of linux distributions, each one with specific advantages, sometimes with or without paid services.

We chose linux Slackware because we thought that it would suit better our needs, in terms of stability and reliability. Slackware is a conservative distribution, meaning that it only offers in its distribution package kernel versions and third party libraries, once it´s been proved to be stable and reliable. As a result, Slackware is one the most stable Linux operating system on the market. If the user wishes the most recent Linux kernel and libraries, we recommend to look for a different distribution.

Another reason for us picking Slackware, was because of its text interface, which at the beginning may become a bit difficult, in the long run however it offers a better understanding of the Linux environment. This way most of Slackware configurations are done thru text scripts.

Once it was set the operating system, we picked Apache as our web server. Apache is one of the most popular web server in the internet. For server programming language, we chose PHP. Also, a very popular programming language. Our experience with Apache/PHP proves that this setup is very reliable, working extremely well in our production environment. For workstation programming language, we chose javascript, which besides of having a simple syntax, it offers lots of resources.

Apache web server is really a complete web server. Also, it can become very complex with many configuration setups.

For our database, we picked Postgresql. This database has been made available to the public for more than 15 years, and besides of being well debugged, it offers so many resources that it has become one of the best database options from Open Source Code softwares. Extremely reliable, Postgresql has reported cases where there have been databases in production with over 4 terabytes. Besides all of that, Postresql is not the most popular Open Source Code database. A matter of marketing ? Probably.

As for the programming language PHP, we had to use an object oriented application structure. There are many PHP application structures being offered with Open Source Code license. Object oriented application is very important, because it makes programming very easy and scalable up to the point where the system may grow without many problems. Also, it helps to keep PHP code separated from HTML, with the help of some specific libraries, such as Smarty. We make use of Smarty library and we believe that it is a very important resource, which can even make web pages faster thru the use of its cache functions.

Also a very important set of libraries worth mentioning for PHP systems, is the PEAR libraries. In PEAR web site, among the many libraries being offered, there are the database interface DB and the MAIL_QUEUE, which sends emails thru the use of database.

As we came to the end of our project, we had to use some sort of real time database replication. For that we chose the DRBD and Heartbeat libraries. The use of database replication is very important and should not be postponed. Just after 3 months our system got into production, our server hard disk became bad. Thru the use of DRBD/Heartbeat we were able to put the system back into production within seconds, without loosing any data. DRBD/Heartbeat replication is done thru the use of a lan network between the server and slave nodes.

Our project also makes use of ImageMagick (enlarge and reduce images), Iptables (firewall), Tsearch2(text search in portgresql) and Mon (linux monitoring tasks).

Also a very important library worth mentioning is the pseudo APC compiler for PHP. Speed is always a critical factor for internet sites.

Our web site is already in production and based upon our experience we can say that the Open Source Code softwares we picked, proved to be extremely reliable and stable. Open Source Code softwares can certainly be an excellent option for developing web sites.

simple steps to protect your computer

So you've bought your computer and want to get online? It's not as simple as connect the wire and off you go these day's. The internet is a weird and wonderful place as long as you can control what you do.

That's why you need to protect yourself. These can be done in a number of very simple steps. This article will get you started but you should always try to be smart when your surfing the net!

Step 1: Anti-Virus Scanner

Whether you're connecting to the internet or not, you need an Anti-Virus scanner. Your computer can become infected with "viruses". These are little files or codes that have been written to ruin your computer! That's why they must be stopped!

There are many programs out there that can help, but it's best to trust only the mainstream programs as these are used widely and updated regularly.

AVG Anti-Virus Free

Avast antivirus

Step 2: Firewall

Ok so your thinking what is a "firewall" sounds scary right? Well it's not really. It is again another line of defence against the number of ways your computer can be attacked. In simple terms it blocks other computers and programs from connecting to you and playing with your stuff. Think of it as an internet wall of fire, where you allow what can pass through.

Software - Again there are many programs available to protect you, Recent Microsoft Windows machines come with Windows Firewall, which can be described as basic at best. We do recommend you go for mainstream again.

Hardware - A firewall can also be included as part of your hardware, like an internet router "that's the box that sits between your pc and the internet line". This is the best and recommended way to have a firewall. As it blocks intruders before it gets to your pc.

Zone Alarm

Step 3: Be AWARE!!

Simply put watch what you download and accept to save to your PC, sometimes people can send you files in e-mails. They look ok but when you run them they will install something onto your PC and leave you upset and distraught. Always scan something that has been downloaded before opening it and never open/run programs that have been sent in an e-mail from unknown sources.
Step 4: Go for it

That's pretty much it to get you going. If you think something doesn't look right, it probably isn't. Hopefully this will get you going to start with, wait till you find out about spy ware and Trojan's!! Good Luck and Safe Surfing

benefits of cyberpreneurship for bussiness

talk about Benefits of Cyberpreneurship, there are some factor that you have to know like :
Knowledge factor (knowledge) to companies that are the most important type of resources that must be owned organization. Given that the knowledge inherent in the human brain, the factors of intelligence from human resources the company is determining whether the organization's success in achieving objectives. Collective knowledge which is the value of the company in the process of creating products and services. Thus the concept of knowledge management will be key to the success of a company in this era.
Digitazion is a process of transformation of various forms of information into formats digits "0" and "1" (based on number two). Although the concept cyberpreneurship
seems simple glance, but its existence has produced a breakthrough and major changes in the world of business transactions.
Model that allows one to start a business with a simple device and can reach all potential customers in the world. In the virtual world, a customer simply dealing with an Internet site as an enterprise (business to consumer), as well as relations between the various companies that want to cooperate with each other (business to business). In this relationship, a process that occurs over the transaction is the exchange of data and information virtually, without the physical presence of the parties or individuals who conduct transactions. In other words, the business can be done anytime and anywhere as long as 24 hours per day and 7 days a week on-line and real time.
Organizations that will survive in the era of digital economy is successfully applied molecular shape. Molecular shape is a system where the organization can easily adapt to any dynamic changes that occur in the environment surrounding the company.
Efforts to develop the concept of cooperation with other companies. There is no company that can work alone without work jointly with other parties, so one of the prerequisites to succeed in cyberspace. Based on the chosen business model, associated companies must determine its core activities (core activity), and collaborates with other institutions to help implement the processes of supporting (supporting activities). Examples of parties who generally serve as a partner is technology vendors, content partners, merchants, suppliers (suppliers), etc..
Another distinctive feature of the economic arena is the continuing lack of digital mediator (broker) as an intermediary transactions between suppliers and customers. Example mediator-mediator in economic activity are wholesalers, retailers, Broadcasters, record companies, and so forth. Companies that rely on classical as a mediator by itself forced to shut down by the Internet business. The free market allows transactions between individuals without having to involve other parties
Key to success in internet business company located at the level of ability and quality converted three companies in industrial sectors, namely: computing, communications, and content. Computers are at the core of the computing industry is the nerve center of data processing and information needed in conducting business transactions. The industrial products that are most relevant communications is the infrastructure of information and communication technology as a delivery pipe data and information from one place to another. Real competition lies in the content industry is a type of service or services offered by a company to market in virtual world like cyberpreneurship
Competitive advantage  is very difficult to maintain considering what one or another Internet company is very easy to imitate. Hence, rapid innovation and constantly needed to keep a company can survive. Management companies should be able to find a way to key players in the organization (management and staff) can always innovate like companies in Silicon Valley. The concept of learning organization deserves to be considered and implemented in the company. example, promote your product in virtual world if you want to be competitive like one of benefits cyberpreneuship
In the digital economy and the boundaries between consumers and producers who have been obvious blurred. Almost all consumers of information technology can easily become producers who are ready to offer products and services to the public and the business community. An example is someone who must pay 5 U.S. dollars to get access to a mailing list system. Then the corresponding create a community mailing list where each member has to pay him 1 dollar U.S.. In a short time in question have been able to benefit from these small business
In the virtual world, customers are faced with a variety of companies that offer products or services the same. In selecting companies, they only use three main criteria. In principle, they will conduct transactions with companies that offer products or services are cheaper, better, and faster compared with similar companies. Given that the switching cost on the Internet very easy and cheap, so customers will continue to seek the best companies providing the highest benefit to her
The essence of globalization is the collapse of the boundaries of space and time (time and space). Knowledge or knowledge to benefits cyberpreneurship as the primary resource, does not recognize geographic boundaries so that the existence of the state entities become less relevant in the context of doing business in cyberspace. A pure capitalist would tend to conduct business from a place that is cheap and convenient, selling products and services to wealthy people, and the profits will be transferred and stored in the safest banks and provide the greatest interest. Market segmentation that have often made based on the limits of time and space must also remember that definiton back the whole society has become one of the virtual world, both producers and consumers community
Last characteristic of the digital economy is the occurrence of the phenomenon of change in social structure and culture as a logical consequence of the impact of a paradigm change associated with everyday life. The short growing organization will result in unemployment everywhere, the livelihoods of the mediators (brokers) are lost, the workers became workoholic for a very tight competition, the influence of western culture is difficult to prevent because it can be freely accessed by anyone via the Internet, etc. is an example of a phenomenon that occurred in the era of digital economy. Unpreparedness of an organization in the face of any possible negative impacts arising would be bad (the boomerang) to the survival of the company

maybe you will also this article : SEO (Search Engine Optimizer) , Cyberpreneurship VS Technopreneurship , Interpreneurship, Enterpreneurship, And Cyberpreneurship , Manfaat Cyberpreneurship , Pengenalan Cyberpreneurship